Monday, November 16, 2009

The Least of These

I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. - Matthew 25:40

First of all, Hello. This is my first Blog entry. If you like what you see, come back. If you don't like what you see, well, goodbye. ;)

Feel free to encourage, entertain, comment on, or criticize my thoughts.

I plan on using this Blog for articulating thoughts and ideas that God is giving me. Writing, to me, is an act of worship. I promise to use this blog to tell only truth that I feel God is setting on my heart.

If later I feel like I missed God in something, I will come back and delete or edit. Its that simple.

Now, for my first post...

In Matthew Chapter 25, Jesus talks about taking care of "The Least of These" and that when we take care of a "Least", as I will call them, we are taking care of Jesus directly. This thought always baffles me. Its difficult for me to imagine the fact that when I hug a heart broken child or give a homeless man a meal, I am hugging Jesus or I am feeding Jesus. But this is what the Word tells me.

As I was sitting in Church on Sunday I came across Matthew 25:40 and could not stop focusing on the words "Least of These".

Who is a "Least of These"?

In previous verses, Jesus gives many examples of a Least. He says that a Least is someone who is hungry, thirsty, a stranger needing company, needing clothing, or a prisoner needing a visitor.

I realize that the people that Jesus describe here are pretty cut and dry; not needing any explanation, but I believe that Jesus was using a parable within a parable, here.

I believe that EVERYONE, is a Least. Not all the time, but at times.

Could hungry or thirsty mean someone who needs a word or touch from God? Who needs to hear the gospel for the first or one-millionth time?

Could a stranger needing company (or invited in) be someone who needs a church or needs a person who will listen to them?

Could a person needing clothing need more than just cotton threads? Could it mean that they need forgiveness and the grace of God to cover them from head to toe?

Could a prisoner who needs a visitor be someone who is not in jail at all, but still guilty in their spirit? Could that mean that they need someone to speak to them, if God tells them to do so, and break them from their bondage? Maybe they need to forgive someone else, and they are trapped in the prison of anger and hate.

What I'm trying to get at, is that we are surrounded by Leasts.

If a hungry person is fed, are they hungry anymore? If that was the only thing that made them a "Least of these" then they are not a least anymore. If a naked person is clothed, they are not naked anymore, thus removing their reservation to the tri-annual "Least of these" banquet.

Your Parents are Leasts.

Your siblings are Leasts.

Your boss is a Least.

Your children are Leasts.

Your coworkers are Leasts.

Your pastor is a Least.

Your deacons, elders, Sunday school teacher, worship leader, and organ player are all Leasts.

You are a Least.

Not all the time, but at times. We all have moments in everyday life that we need a word, an ear, grace, and forgiveness.

When you give someone your time to help them through their struggles, you're doing it to and for Jesus. You're building up his kingdom, brick by brick; soul by soul.

I'm not canceling out the need for helping the homeless, or strangers, or prisoners as Jesus literally said. Giving to people who have nothing is a wonderful ministry and should never be stopped, by anyone. If you have a roof over your head, running water, electricity, heater and air conditioning, and 25 pairs of shoes (only 5 of which you wear regularly), GO GIVE SOME SHOES TO SOMEONE WHO NEEDS THEM. You aren't just giving something to someone in need, you are helping a child of God, and you will be rewarded in heaven for it, even if the person doesn't seem very grateful.

My Pastor's favorite quote is, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose" - Jim Elliot

There are people out there in the world that need more than just clothes, bread, and water. Some of them are homeless, some of them are millionaires, and some live in your own home.

Challenge: Whenever you encounter someone today or tomorrow, think to yourself that they are in need of something, that they are a least. Find out what it is and give it to them. A word, a listening ear, a friend, whatever it is... give it.

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