Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Strong Women Pt. II

Our country's economy has been beyond horrible these last couple of years, causing mothers to venture out of the home and find jobs to provide income for their family. We also see a lot of men, usually involuntarily (layoffs), leaving their work place and becoming stay at home dads. There is a lot of controversy to this, men thinking that women need to stay home while they go out and provide. And they are absolutely right. Men are made to provide for their family, but that does not mean only by working for money. Men can provide in so many ways for their family. They can provide their time, their support, their talents, and their care. The Bible is not against women in the workplace. In fact, the famous Proverbs 31 woman was a working mother.

While I do not have any experience in marriage, except for the observing I've done of married couples surrounding me, I have spent a lot of time reading about marriage and contemplating how I want mine to be.

An illustration came to me the other day. I want my relationship with my future husband to be like a weight lifter and his spotter. My husband would be the weight lifter and I would always be his spotter. The ultimate goal for this diad would be for the weight lifter to lift all of the weight (go figure), but the interesting thing is that when the weight seems to be too much for the weight lifter and maybe his arms collapse from weakness, the spotter must be able to pick that weight up off of the weight lifter or the spotter's job is futile. Even though the weight lifter is the one known for his strength, the spotter has to be just as strong as the lifter, or else there is an extremely dangerous situation at hand.

I want to be a spotter.

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